Monday, October 26, 2009

Association of Personal Historians: 2009 Conference

Good company. Good food. Lots of networking. What's not to like about the members of the Association of Personal Historians. This was a fantastic group of folks. As soon as the conference chair asked me to speak about a year ago, I started receiving emails from their members. I felt an immediate affinity with the group. Their members are involved with saving personal and family stories. They do it through audio, video and print. I do the same thing only with a picture focus. I record stories about images, create videos and publish books. There was a lot of common ground. I gave the keynote address. Since this year's event took place in Valley Forge, I was able to talk about my multi-year search for photographs relating to the Revolutionary War generation. I started with a simple question, "How do you tell the story of a generation?" I didn't have to add, "when everyone is dead." The group had a lot of questions! You'll start seeing them in the Queries and Answers column that runs in this space on Fridays. Thank you to APH! After my presentation two folks told me about more images to include in The Last Muster. I'm not sure if it's too late to add them in, but if it is....I've got a good start to a second volume. Bookmark and Share


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