Monday, September 28, 2009
Digital Face-Lift Anyone?
Two months ago, I posted a video on my Vimeo channel that showed a nineteenth century altered photo. Look closely. The woman in the background was added in. That's a simple change when you think about what can be done to photos today. Digital editing makes it possible to more than add someone in. You can look years younger or thinner with just a few mouse-clicks.
Don't believe me? I'm amazed at the extent of digitally altered photos used in magazines. Looking at the World with a Merciless Eye: Saying No to the Digitally Altered Photo gives us a peek into the process. British and French lawmakers are trying to stop it saying photo editing gives readers an altered reality. You think?
Here are two of the examples mentioned in the article:
A British tabloid gave the 59 year old Twiggy youthful skin for an Olay cosmetics ad
A 2003 issue of the British GQ magazine made actress Kate Winslet look much thinner.
These lawmakers want magazines to fess up. Tell the truth when it comes to altering images by posting a disclaimer. Others want photos rated 1-4 on a photo editing scale. 4 means that the person had "digital cosmetic surgery."