Wednesday, March 26, 2008

New from the Smithsonian!

The Library of Congress photo collection is well-known since they partnered with Yahoo's Flickr, but maybe you didn't know that the Smithsonian museums also have a digital database of images. It's true. They do. Check it out. You can search by keyword or use one of the topics they provide. This year the Smithsonian also launched a photo initiative called Click! Photography Changes Everything. According to the site its an "ongoing project to explore how photographic images shape our lives." Over 100 experts in the field of photography are writing essays on the topic. Later this year you'll be able to add your own pictures to the site. I'll let you know when that feature is available. You can read my piece on how "Photography Changes Family History." I profile an image from the Smithsonian which may be the earliest family photograph in America and one of my own. Enjoy!
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